Budding Data Scientist
More about me



My skills and the tools I'm familiar with are listed here.

Programming Languages

Python, SQL, C++, HTML, CSS.

Packages & Frameworks

NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, NLTK, Beautiful Soup.

Statistical Skills

Regression, Classification, K-Means Clustering, Time-series Forecasting, PCA, KNN, Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, Decision trees, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Data Cleaning, Data Interpretation.

BI & Analytics Tools

Tableau, Power BI, PowerPivot, Hadoop, SAP Analytics, Einstein Analytics.


Data Analysis and Machine Learning Projects

Flights delay
Analyzing flight details and predicting arrival delay
Credit Card Fraud
Predicting credit card fraud Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Bagged Trees, Gradient Boosting
Heart disease
To perform exploratory data analysis and implement a model to predict the presence of heart disease in a patient.
Grok Investments
Research, development and analytics of Grok Investment website
Database design, development and customer behavior analysis
Stores data project
Store level prediction based on MAPE

Data Visualization- Tableau

COVID 19 confirmed cases
Tableau dashboard for the confirmed cases in the US

Technical blogs

NLP in Python-Data cleaning
Data cleaning steps involved in a typical NLP machine learning model pipeline using the real or fake news dataset from Kaggle (Published in Towards Data Science).
NLP in Python- Vectorizing
Common vectorizing techniques employed in a typical NLP machine learning model pipeline using the real of fake news dataset from Kaggle (Published in Towards Data Science).
Cross- Validation
Different validation methods and comparison of its performances in python (Published in Analytics Vidhya).


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